Tax Information Publication TIP 18A01-03 Department of Revenue Notice on Vending Machines No Longer Required
Date Issued: January 12, 2018
Effective January 1, 2018, operators of vending machines selling food or beverages are no longer required to affix a notice containing the Department of Revenue’s phone number to each machine.
Notices affixed to food or beverage vending machines in operation before January 1, 2018, may be removed; however, there is no requirement to remove the notice from the machine.
References: Chapter 2017-36, Laws of Florida; Section 212.0515(3), Florida Statutes
For More Information
This document is intended to alert you to the requirements contained in Florida laws and administrative rules. It does not by its own effect create rights or require compliance.
For forms and other information, visit the Department’s website at floridarevenue.com or call Taxpayer Services at 850-488-6800, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
For a detailed written response to your questions, write the Florida Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Services MS 3-2000, 5050 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0112.
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