Florida State and Local Tax Attorney
Attorneys - Is Your Client Under A Florida Tax Audit?
Many great attorneys have run into trouble when a client is unexpectedly hit with a Florida tax controversy such as a Florida tax audit or tax warrant or lien. You client is very valuable to you and the last thing you want is another law firm getting their hooks into one of your best clients. That is when a very experienced, niche law firm can be an invaluable asset to have in your arsenal. Just as some attorneys specialize in a specific area of the law, our attorneys have developed a unique area of practice which provides a much needed service to other lawyers (and for CPAs as well). At the Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton, & Donnini, P.A., our nearly sole concentration is on Florida Tax Defense/Controversy and we understand that Florida Tax Audits are very delicate situations that can easily become critical for your client with little or no warning. When you have a client that gets notice of a Florida Tax Audit, a committed Florida sales tax lawyer from our firm steps in to provide tried and true representation of your client. We focus on Florida tax laws and strive to make both our firm and yours look good in the client's eye. However, please be assured that when the tax situation is favorably concluded, we do not attempt to take your client for other issues. We are available as co-counsel or counsel for Florida tax matters.
Why is your client being targeted by the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR)? The more successful your client, the more likely they are to be audited. Simply stated, the DOR is looking for more revenue and a successful business has more potential for finding additional tax revenue (or mistakes in accounting procedures/paperwork that an auditor can use to allege more taxes are due). Sometimes, a tax authority like the Florida Department of Revenue can make matters overly complex and you want to ensure the correct advice is given to your client. The DOR can also be too aggressive in an audit or related matters, making an already hard situation even more difficult to correctly resolve. A client's in house accounting or tax department may start the ball rolling on an audit. However, there are many tricks employed by the Florida Department of Revenue that can hinder your client's rights. If you don't have the experience to know what requests your client can simply say "no" to, then you should bring in an attorney that is experienced in this area of law. With over 50 years of cumulative experience, we know the tricks the Florida DOR auditors play and where to draw the line as well as a few strategies of our own.
State Tax Planning and Consulting
Aside from resolving the immediate situation, when warranted, we also provide state tax planning and consulting services, designed to put standard Florida tax practices in place for your client. The purpose of these actions is to prevent the occurrence of future tax problems for your client. We consult and instruct on sales and use tax and discretionary sales surtax, corporate income taxes, ad valorem tax, the documentary stamp tax, communication services tax, unemployment tax and others. Additionally, if your client feels that they may have overpaid on their tax returns, we can conduct reverse tax audits which may result in a tax refund.
At times, tax controversy is the most optimum method to achieve a client's tax goals. As an attorney, you well know that there are many advantages in taking a case to court and a large percentage of cases are settled before a final judgment is rendered. We work aggressively to produce the best result possible for your client.
Is your client in tax trouble? If so, contact a Florida sales tax attorney from our firm to find out how tough tax problems can be resolved. We are available as Co-Counsel or Counsel for CIVIL & CRIMINAL Florida tax matters. © 2011-2019 – All Rights Reserved – the Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton, & Donnini, P.A.