Florida Sales Tax Statute
Credit for contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations.—There is allowed a credit of 100 percent of an eligible contribution made to an eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organization under s. 1002.395 against any tax imposed by the state and due under this chapter from a direct pay permit holder as a result of the direct pay permit held pursuant to s. 212.183. For purposes of the dealer’s credit granted for keeping prescribed records, filing timely tax returns, and properly accounting and remitting taxes under s. 212.12, the amount of tax due used to calculate the credit shall include any eligible contribution made to an eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organization from a direct pay permit holder. For purposes of the distributions of tax revenue under s. 212.20, the department shall disregard any tax credits allowed under this section to ensure that any reduction in tax revenue received that is attributable to the tax credits results only in a reduction in distributions to the General Revenue Fund. The provisions of s. 1002.395 apply to the credit authorized by this section.