Florida Discretionary Sales Surtax Rules
12A-15.001 Scope of Rules
(1) For the purpose of administering the Discretionary Sales Surtax (referred to as the Surtax, or Tax), all rules relating to Sales and Use Tax (Chapter 12A-1, F.A.C.) shall apply to the Surtax, except in those situations where rules relating to the Surtax have been issued to clarify specific statutory provisions.
(2) The list of counties levying the surtax is subject to frequent revision. An up-to-date listing of counties levying the surtax is available, without cost, by one or more of the following methods: 1) downloading the appropriate Sales Tax Bracket Cards from the Department’s website at www.floridarevenue.com/taxes/rates; or, 2) writing the Florida Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Services, Mail Stop 3-2000, 5050 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0112; or, 3) visiting any local Department of Revenue Service Center to personally obtain a copy. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may call the Florida Relay Service at 1(800)955-8770 (Voice) and 1(800)955-8771 (TTY).
Rulemaking Authority 212.17(6), 212.18(2), 213.06(1) FS. Law Implemented 212.054(2), (4) FS. History–New 12-11-89, Amended 11-16-93, 11-1-05.